Built With Analyzer

A Specrom News API endpoint for identifying the technologies that are powering the webpage.

This API endpoint is of interest to people who are trying to analyze technology trends and adoptions in the news and media industry.

You can consider this endpoint to be akin to unofficial buildwith.com API.

A few months ago, a major cybersecurity firm used this API to check on wordpress versions being used by major media outlets, and they detected a large majority were running vulnerable systems that could be hacked with known exploits.

import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "builtwith_analysis",
  "url": "https://indianexpress.com/article/india/kerala/kerala-rainfall-idukki-landslide-rajamala-pamba-dam-6547424/"

headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": "API_Key",
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

	POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_Key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 192

    "api_type": "builtwith_analysis",
    "url": "https://indianexpress.com/article/india/kerala/kerala-rainfall-idukki-landslide-rajamala-pamba-dam-6547424/"
Parameter Description
api_type builtwith_analysis
url URL of the webpage to be analyzed. You can put the domain homepage here, however, since major news outlets routinely run different Javascript plugins on different website sections, a better option is to input the invidivual news article URL here.


"WordPress": {
"versions": [
"categories": [
"Nginx": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"Web servers",
"Reverse proxies"
"PHP": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"Programming languages"
"Google Sign-in": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"Social login"
"comScore": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"jQuery": {
"versions": [
"categories": [
"JavaScript libraries"
"Twitter": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"jQuery Migrate": {
"versions": [
"categories": [
"JavaScript libraries"
"Automattic": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"Slick": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"JavaScript libraries"
"YouTube": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"Video players"
"AMP": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"JavaScript frameworks"
"MySQL": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"Google Plus": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [

This endpoint returns a JSON object containing the following elements:

Parameter Description
versions It mentions software version (if it cannot be detected, than its an empty list)
categories The detected software or technology category