Fetch Parsed News Article By url_id

A Specrom News API endpoint for fetching the full_text, title, author, main image etc. from the news article using url_id as input.

This is a simple API endpoint that will take in a url_id (generated by our other endpoints) of any news article and return parsed data containing full_text, title, author, main image.

Fetch the full_text, title, author, main image etc. from the news article using url_id as input.


import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "fetch_parsed_news_article_by_id",
  "url_id": "2+W9MSIWD4PJ5kF6fcRThhpsnzW92j46dBr8UEiHBKwSjaiOKBMnTWcmr5BXqe0vwpgP9bpT8r6Fgc8MnaYXYyidz9gl7WjxTCFUpKW/scAuJegSL86lw4C+M4Ea9/rPgFkTu1MkA34cs5/QXMTMH6J9xG18dcQG4sbe6a2pV1mY6jzCudZauazA13CO+NVFJH/R7UBIsT42lm2RPY4ISlPHuSh6y5AjrUiCwx4=*o3X7JdWv94Q2Td9x31pIFA==*fRxtKu8HwfTNo++zlEVHnA==*DXgO4zPEi1nWqrKZwosVwA=="
headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": API_Key,
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_Key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 381

    "api_type": "fetch_parsed_news_article_by_id",
    "url_id": "2+W9MSIWD4PJ5kF6fcRThhpsnzW92j46dBr8UEiHBKwSjaiOKBMnTWcmr5BXqe0vwpgP9bpT8r6Fgc8MnaYXYyidz9gl7WjxTCFUpKW/scAuJegSL86lw4C+M4Ea9/rPgFkTu1MkA34cs5/QXMTMH6J9xG18dcQG4sbe6a2pV1mY6jzCudZauazA13CO+NVFJH/R7UBIsT42lm2RPY4ISlPHuSh6y5AjrUiCwx4=*o3X7JdWv94Q2Td9x31pIFA==*fRxtKu8HwfTNo++zlEVHnA==*DXgO4zPEi1nWqrKZwosVwA=="
Parameter Description
api_type fetch_parsed_news_article_by_id
url_id url_id of the news article. This is generated by our other endpoints.


{"author":["Perry Stein","Shayna Jacobs"],

"content":"Former president Donald Trump on Tuesday pleaded not guilty to 34 counts stemming from 2016 hush-money payments," ....(output truncated),

"meta_description":"When will he appear in court next? What is the discovery process? Your questions and more answered.",

"og_title":"What’s next for Trump after pleading not guilty to 34 felony counts","



"title":"What’s next for Trump after pleading not guilty to 34 felony counts",


Parameter Description
author A list of authors of the news article
content full_text of the news article
meta_description text from the meta_description tag on the page
og_title text from the og_title tag on the page
publishedAt date of the news article
source_url source domain of the news article
title title of the news article
url canonical url of the news article
urlToImage primary image URL from the news article