Get News Headlines By Keyword Search

Get near real time news articles by searching using a keyword or a keyphrase.

This API endpoint is excellent for running queries with multiple keywords or keyphrases.

Fetch near real time news articles by searching using a keyword or keyphrase


import requests

url = ""

payload = {
  "api_type": "news_by_keyword_search",
  "keyword": "Donald Trump"
headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": "API_key",
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": ""

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

	POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_key
Content-Length: 96

    "api_type": "news_by_keyword_search",
    "keyword": "Donald Trump"
Parameter Description
api_type news_by_keyword_search
country two digit country code
keyword Search using the keyword or keyphrase. In case of a keyphrase containing more than two words (say Donald Trump), the keyphrase searched will be “Donald AND Trump”.



"source name":"",
"title":"Trump Leads DeSantis In Our New 2024 Republican Primary Polling Average",
"matched_text":"Donald Trump",

"source name":"",
"title":"Trump news – latest: SNL mocks Trump for claim NYPD ‘cried’ during arrest",
"matched_text":"Donald Trump",
(output truncated)

Parameter Description
source url web domain of the media outlet
source name name of the media outlet
publishedAt date of the news article
title title of the news article
matched_text input keyword
url_id unique url_id of the news article. Use our separate endpoint called fetch news article by url_id to fetch complete details such as full_text, author, url etc. of the news article