News API Reference

Specrom News API endpoints fetch news articles by keyword, region, latitude, longitude.

Simple News Search

A Specrom News API endpoint for fetching latest news within past 24h with full_text content.

Get News Headlines By Keyword Search

Get near real time news articles by searching using a keyword or a keyphrase.

Get Latest News By City, State, Country

Get near real time news articles published in local newspapers and other media outlets by specifying a region (city, state) and country.

Get Latest News By Latitude, Longitude

Get near real time news articles published in local newspapers and other media outlets by specifying a geolocation coordinates (latitude, longitude).

Fetch Parsed News Article By url_id

A Specrom News API endpoint for fetching the full_text, title, author, main image etc. from the news article using url_id as input.

Fetch Parsed News Article By URL

A Specrom News API endpoint for fetching the full_text, title, author, main image etc. from the news article using URL as input.