1 - News API Reference

Specrom News API endpoints fetch news articles by keyword, region, latitude, longitude.

1.1 - Simple News Search

A Specrom News API endpoint for fetching latest news within past 24h with full_text content.

We reccomend that all the new users try out this API endpoint before using the other more advanced keyword search endpoints only when they either need more results (using similar keyword search), or need results with very low latency (instead of 24h in this case) or historical search.

This endpoint will fetch news articles with full-text using variety of inputs.

import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "exhaustive_news_search_24h",
  "q": "bitcoin",
  "author_only": "",
  "content": "",
  "domains": "",
  "page": "1",
  "qInTitle": "",
  "topic": ""
headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": "API_Key",
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

	POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_Key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 192

    "api_type": "exhaustive_news_search_24h",
    "q": "bitcoin",
    "author_only": "",
    "content": "",
    "domains": "",
    "page": "1",
    "qInTitle": "",
    "topic": ""
Parameter Description
api_type exhaustive_news_search_24h
domains The domain url for filtering by news source. In this version, you can only specify one domain address. In case you do not want to filter by domain address, than simply leave the field empty ("")
topic: Filter the news articles by their topic. Options include: “politics”, “tech”, “entertainment”, “business”, “sport”. If you want to fetch all articles without topic filtering, than simply specify “”.
q filter the news articles by a keyword; optionally you can simply leave it empty ("") if you do not wish to filter by keyword. Only one keyword is supported by this API; if you want to search by phrases, than we reccomend using our keyword news search endpoint
qInTitle filter the news articles by a keyword present in the title. Only one keyword is supported by this endpoint.
content If you want full text of the news articles in the content key of the response JSON then set this field to “true” otherwise set it to “false”.
author_only (optional) if “true” then it only returns results with author names.


  "Article": [
      "author": "[\"Lauren Fox and Ted Barrett, CNN\"]",
      "description": "Divisions within the Republican conference spilled out once again Tuesday as GOP senators dismissed key pieces of their own leadership's stimulus proposal not even a day after its release.",
      "publishedAt": "2020-07-28",
      "source_name": "CNN",
      "source_url": "cnn.com",
      "title": "Republicans revolt against GOP's initial stimulus plan  - CNNPolitics",
      "url": "https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/28/politics/republican-reaction-gop-stimulus-plan/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_allpolitics+%28RSS%3A+CNN+-+Politics%29",
      "urlToImage": "https://cdn.cnn.com/cnnnext/dam/assets/200518181852-senator-ben-sasse-1-super-tease.jpg"
    (output truncated)
  "status": "ok",
  "totalResults": 113

This endpoint returns a JSON object containing the following elements:

Parameter Description
status This key will return “ok” if results from all the shards are being fetched correctly. Please raise a support ticket with us by email to info@specrom.com if is reporting a “fail”.
totalResults this mentions the total number of articles found by our endpoint. Note: this is not exhaustive results for You can use our other keyword search endpoint
Article This key contains a list of dictionaries representing individual news articles.
Author A list of author names for the news articles.
content: Full text of the news articles (upto 30% text); we trncate the full_text at 30% to respect the rights of the original copyright holder. If your use-case does’nt involve making the full_text public (such as using it for internal data analytics, training an AI model etc) , then you can get the entire full_text of each news article using fetch complete news article by URL endpoint.
title: title of the news article
description description of the news article extracted and parsed from meta tags of the HTML page.
publishedAt publication date of the news article (based on on UTC timezone).
source_name Name of the news source.
source_url domain address of the news source.
url url of the news article
urlToImage url of the most relevant image from the news article.

1.2 - Get News Headlines By Keyword Search

Get near real time news articles by searching using a keyword or a keyphrase.

This API endpoint is excellent for running queries with multiple keywords or keyphrases.

Fetch near real time news articles by searching using a keyword or keyphrase


import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "news_by_keyword_search",
  "keyword": "Donald Trump"
headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": "API_key",
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

	POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 96

    "api_type": "news_by_keyword_search",
    "keyword": "Donald Trump"
Parameter Description
api_type news_by_keyword_search
country two digit country code
keyword Search using the keyword or keyphrase. In case of a keyphrase containing more than two words (say Donald Trump), the keyphrase searched will be “Donald AND Trump”.



"source name":"",
"title":"Trump Leads DeSantis In Our New 2024 Republican Primary Polling Average",
"matched_text":"Donald Trump",

"source name":"",
"title":"Trump news – latest: SNL mocks Trump for claim NYPD ‘cried’ during arrest",
"matched_text":"Donald Trump",
(output truncated)

Parameter Description
source url web domain of the media outlet
source name name of the media outlet
publishedAt date of the news article
title title of the news article
matched_text input keyword
url_id unique url_id of the news article. Use our separate endpoint called fetch news article by url_id to fetch complete details such as full_text, author, url etc. of the news article

1.3 - Get Latest News By City, State, Country

Get near real time news articles published in local newspapers and other media outlets by specifying a region (city, state) and country.

This API endpoint is excellent for fetching local and regional news.

Fetch local news using city, state, country as input


import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "news_by_city_country",
  "country": "US",
  "region": "Atlanta, GA"
headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": "API_key",
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

	POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 96

    "api_type": "news_by_city_country",
    "country": "US",
    "region": "Atlanta, GA"
Parameter Description
api_type news_by_city_country
country two digit country code
region city name followed by state code

A list of country codes are below

Country Country Code
Japan JP
United Kingdom UK
Spain ES
Canada CA
Deutschland DE
Italia IT
France FR
Australia AU
Taiwan TW
Nederland NL
Brasil BR
Turkey TR
Belgium BE
Greece GR
India IN
Mexico MX
Denmark DK
Argentina AR
Switzerland CH
Chile CL
Austria AT
Korea KR
Ireland IE
Colombia CO
Poland PL
Portugal PT
Pakistan PK


  "article_list": [
      "source url": "https://www.wsbtv.com",
      "source name": "WSB Atlanta",
      "published_date": "Fri, 07 Apr 2023 00:49:00 GMT",
      "title": "Credit union members say their money being held hostage, can’t access funds - WSB Atlanta",
      "url_id": "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*f8QvuCUSqeMUelzr87slBA==*cnjF1ZxjpZgeXTHFwVsazQ==*MkCp3nEWhsKyC4fFJU9XjQ=="
      "source url": "https://www.wsbtv.com",
      "source name": "WSB Atlanta",
      "published_date": "Fri, 07 Apr 2023 02:59:00 GMT",
      "title": "Training facility back in compliance after stop work order issued, order to be lifted Friday morning - WSB Atlanta",
      "url_id": "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*LgI2UsNQctdt3mLM4TFArg==*6kVcegsMBPGdTGK0X7YHAg==*Gm1QJtk0CUrYnX97xKY0mw=="
	(Output Truncated)
Parameter Description
article_list A list of dictionaries containing individual news articles
source url web domain of the media outlet
source name name of the media outlet
publishedAt date of the news article
title title of the news article
url_id unique url_id of the news article. Use our separate endpoint called fetch news article by url_id to fetch complete details such as full_text, author, url etc. of the news article

1.4 - Get Latest News By Latitude, Longitude

Get near real time news articles published in local newspapers and other media outlets by specifying a geolocation coordinates (latitude, longitude).

This API endpoint is excellent for fetching local and regional news.

Fetch local news using geolocation coordinates (latitude, longitude) as input


import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "news_by_latitude_longitude",
  "lat": "40.730610",
  "longitude": "-73.935242"
headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": "API_key",
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

	POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 96

    "api_type": "news_by_latitude_longitude",
    "lat": "40.730610",
    "longitude": "-73.935242"
Parameter Description
api_type news_by_latitude_longitude
lat Latitude
longitude Longitude


  "article_list": [
	source url:"https://www.foxnews.com"
source name:"Fox News"
published_date:"Thu, 06 Apr 2023 20:22:00 GMT"
title:"NYC man pleads guilty to selling fatal dose of fentanyl-laced heroin to actor Michael K. Williams - Fox News"
	(Output Truncated)
Parameter Description
article_list A list of dictionaries containing individual news articles
source url web domain of the media outlet
source name name of the media outlet
publishedAt date of the news article
title title of the news article
url_id unique url_id of the news article. Use our separate endpoint called fetch news article by url_id to fetch complete details such as full_text, author, url etc. of the news article

1.5 - Fetch Parsed News Article By url_id

A Specrom News API endpoint for fetching the full_text, title, author, main image etc. from the news article using url_id as input.

This is a simple API endpoint that will take in a url_id (generated by our other endpoints) of any news article and return parsed data containing full_text, title, author, main image.

Fetch the full_text, title, author, main image etc. from the news article using url_id as input.


import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "fetch_parsed_news_article_by_id",
  "url_id": "2+W9MSIWD4PJ5kF6fcRThhpsnzW92j46dBr8UEiHBKwSjaiOKBMnTWcmr5BXqe0vwpgP9bpT8r6Fgc8MnaYXYyidz9gl7WjxTCFUpKW/scAuJegSL86lw4C+M4Ea9/rPgFkTu1MkA34cs5/QXMTMH6J9xG18dcQG4sbe6a2pV1mY6jzCudZauazA13CO+NVFJH/R7UBIsT42lm2RPY4ISlPHuSh6y5AjrUiCwx4=*o3X7JdWv94Q2Td9x31pIFA==*fRxtKu8HwfTNo++zlEVHnA==*DXgO4zPEi1nWqrKZwosVwA=="
headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": API_Key,
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_Key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 381

    "api_type": "fetch_parsed_news_article_by_id",
    "url_id": "2+W9MSIWD4PJ5kF6fcRThhpsnzW92j46dBr8UEiHBKwSjaiOKBMnTWcmr5BXqe0vwpgP9bpT8r6Fgc8MnaYXYyidz9gl7WjxTCFUpKW/scAuJegSL86lw4C+M4Ea9/rPgFkTu1MkA34cs5/QXMTMH6J9xG18dcQG4sbe6a2pV1mY6jzCudZauazA13CO+NVFJH/R7UBIsT42lm2RPY4ISlPHuSh6y5AjrUiCwx4=*o3X7JdWv94Q2Td9x31pIFA==*fRxtKu8HwfTNo++zlEVHnA==*DXgO4zPEi1nWqrKZwosVwA=="
Parameter Description
api_type fetch_parsed_news_article_by_id
url_id url_id of the news article. This is generated by our other endpoints.


{"author":["Perry Stein","Shayna Jacobs"],

"content":"Former president Donald Trump on Tuesday pleaded not guilty to 34 counts stemming from 2016 hush-money payments," ....(output truncated),

"meta_description":"When will he appear in court next? What is the discovery process? Your questions and more answered.",

"og_title":"What’s next for Trump after pleading not guilty to 34 felony counts","



"title":"What’s next for Trump after pleading not guilty to 34 felony counts",


Parameter Description
author A list of authors of the news article
content full_text of the news article
meta_description text from the meta_description tag on the page
og_title text from the og_title tag on the page
publishedAt date of the news article
source_url source domain of the news article
title title of the news article
url canonical url of the news article
urlToImage primary image URL from the news article

1.6 - Fetch Parsed News Article By URL

A Specrom News API endpoint for fetching the full_text, title, author, main image etc. from the news article using URL as input.

This is a simple API endpoint that will take in a URL of any news article and return parsed data containing full_text, title, author, main image.

Fetch the full_text, title, author, main image etc. from the news article using URL as input.


import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "fetch_parsed_news_article_by_url",
  "url": "https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/30/tech/facebook-ad-business-boycott/index.html"
headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": API_Key,
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

	POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_Key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 151

    "api_type": "fetch_parsed_news_article_by_url",
    "url": "https://edition.cnn.com/2020/06/30/tech/facebook-ad-business-boycott/index.html"
Parameter Description
api_type fetch_parsed_news_article_by_url
url URL of the news article


  "author": [
    "Rishi Iyengar"
  "content": "San Francisco CNN Business —\n\nEach day, more household names join the list of brands suspending advertising on Facebook to protest what they say are the social network’s failures to stop the spread of hate. On Monday alone, Adidas (ADDDF), HP (HPQ), and Ford (F) added their names to a list that already had Unilever (UL), The North Face, Coca Cola (CCHGY), Honda (HMC) and many others.\n\n"........(output truncated),
  "meta_description": "Each day, more household names join the list of brands suspending advertising on Facebook to protest what they say are the social network's failures to stop the spread of hate. On Monday alone, Adidas, HP, and Ford added their names to a list that already had Unilever, The North Face, Coca Cola, Honda and many others.",
  "og_title": "Here's how big Facebook's ad business really is | CNN Business",
  "publishedAt": "2020-06-30",
  "source_url": "cnn.com",
  "title": "Here’s how big Facebook’s ad business really is",
  "url": "https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/30/tech/facebook-ad-business-boycott/index.html",
  "urlToImage": "https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/200630015227-facebook-ads-stock.jpg?q=x_3,y_243,h_1684,w_2993,c_crop/w_800"
Parameter Description
author A list of authors of the news article
content full_text of the news article
meta_description text from the meta_description tag on the page
og_title text from the og_title tag on the page
publishedAt date of the news article
source_url source domain of the news article
title title of the news article
url canonical url of the news article
urlToImage primary image URL from the news article

2 - Text Analytics API Reference

A comprehensive collection of text analytics endpoints that include text summarization, classification, named entity relationship (NER) extraction etc.

The new generation of large language models (LLMs) such as GPT3, GPT4, and ChatGPT/GPT 3.5 have revolutionalized the way we analyze text data.

Out base level text classification endpoint includes few dozen topic labels; however if you are interested a more granular text classifier that contains IAB/IPTC + custom taxonomy) that contains over 1900 topics, please email us at info@specrom.com

Our comprehensive text analytics endpoints uses the latest GPT-J and/or GPT3.5/GPT4 models on the back end to analyze all aspects of the news articles.

2.1 - Text Language Detection

A Specrom News API endpoint for detecting the language of the input text.

An endpoint for detecting the language of the input text.

import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "language_detection",
  "input_text": "While the big-name dropouts have dented Facebook's stock price and prompted leadership to address some of the concerns , it'll take a lot more to stop the company's digital advertising juggernaut. Facebook generated $69.7 billion from advertising in 2019, more than 98% of its total revenue for the year. And most of those ad dollars don't come from companies likeand Coca Cola so much as the sprawling list of small and medium-sized businesses who use Facebook to attract customers and build their brands. Facebook has 8 million advertisers, it said earlier this year. Of those, the highest-spending 100 brands accounted for $4.2 billion in Facebook advertising last year, according to data from marketing research firm Pathmatics -- or only about 6% of the platform's ad revenue. The last time Facebook shared that data itself was in April 2019 , when COO Sheryl Sandberg said the top 100 advertisers represented "

headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": "API_Key",
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

	POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_Key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 192

	"api_type": "language_detection",
	"input_text": "While the big-name dropouts have dented Facebook's stock price and prompted leadership to address some of the concerns , it'll take a lot more to stop the company's digital advertising juggernaut. Facebook generated $69.7 billion from advertising in 2019, more than 98% of its total revenue for the year. And most of those ad dollars don't come from companies likeand Coca Cola so much as the sprawling list of small and medium-sized businesses who use Facebook to attract customers and build their brands. Facebook has 8 million advertisers, it said earlier this year. Of those, the highest-spending 100 brands accounted for $4.2 billion in Facebook advertising last year, according to data from marketing research firm Pathmatics -- or only about 6% of the platform's ad revenue. The last time Facebook shared that data itself was in April 2019 , when COO Sheryl Sandberg said the top 100 advertisers represented "
Parameter Description
api_type language_detection
input_text The text whose language is to be detected




This endpoint returns a JSON object containing the following elements:

Parameter Description
documents This is a list containing a single dictionary
ISO631-1_language_code two letter detected language code. Take a look at all the language codes here.
normalized_probability Probability estimate (0-1) indicating the level of certainity with the predicted value

2.2 - Named Entity Extraction

Extract Named Entities from the input text using our API endpoint.

Extract Named Entities from the input text using our API endpoint


import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "named_entity_extraction",
  "input_text": "While the big-name dropouts have dented Facebook's stock price and prompted leadership to address some of the concerns , it'll take a lot more to stop the company's digital advertising juggernaut. Facebook generated $69.7 billion from advertising in 2019, more than 98% of its total revenue for the year. And most of those ad dollars don't come from companies likeand Coca Cola so much as the sprawling list of small and medium-sized businesses who use Facebook to attract customers and build their brands. Facebook has 8 million advertisers, it said earlier this year. Of those, the highest-spending 100 brands accounted for $4.2 billion in Facebook advertising last year, according to data from marketing research firm Pathmatics -- or only about 6% of the platform's ad revenue. The last time Facebook shared that data itself was in April 2019 , when COO Sheryl Sandberg said the top 100 advertisers represented "

headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": "API_key",
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

	POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 96

    "api_type": "named_entity_extraction",
    "input_text": "While the big-name dropouts have dented Facebook's stock price and prompted leadership to address some of the concerns , it'll take a lot more to stop the company's digital advertising juggernaut. Facebook generated $69.7 billion from advertising in 2019, more than 98% of its total revenue for the year. And most of those ad dollars don't come from companies likeand Coca Cola so much as the sprawling list of small and medium-sized businesses who use Facebook to attract customers and build their brands. Facebook has 8 million advertisers, it said earlier this year. Of those, the highest-spending 100 brands accounted for $4.2 billion in Facebook advertising last year, according to data from marketing research firm Pathmatics -- or only about 6% of the platform's ad revenue. The last time Facebook shared that data itself was in April 2019 , when COO Sheryl Sandberg said the top 100 advertisers represented "
Parameter Description
api_type named_entity_extraction
input_text input text


"$69.7 billion": "MONEY"
"2019": "DATE"
"more than 98%": "PERCENT"
"the year": "DATE"
"Coca Cola": "ORG"
"8 million": "CARDINAL"
"earlier this year": "DATE"
"100": "CARDINAL"
"$4.2 billion": "MONEY"
"last year": "DATE"
"only about 6%": "PERCENT"
"April 2019": "DATE"
"COO Sheryl Sandberg": "PERSON"
"100": "CARDINAL"
(Output Truncated)

Our API will extract the following entity types.

PERSON - People, including fictional.

NORP - Nationalities or religious or political groups.

FAC - Buildings, airports, highways, bridges, etc.

ORG - Companies, agencies, institutions, etc.

GPE - Countries, cities, states.

LOC - Non-GPE locations, mountain ranges, bodies of water.

PRODUCT - Objects, vehicles, foods, etc. (Not services.)

EVENT - Named hurricanes, battles, wars, sports events, etc.

WORK_OF_ART - Titles of books, songs, etc.

LAW - Named documents made into laws.

LANGUAGE - Any named language.

DATE - Absolute or relative dates or periods.

TIME - Times smaller than a day.

PERCENT - Percentage, including “%”.

MONEY - Monetary values, including unit.

QUANTITY - Measurements, as of weight or distance.

ORDINAL - “first”, “second”, etc.

CARDINAL - Numerals that do not fall under another type.

2.3 - Text Summarization

This endpoint will generate a summary of the entered text. It uses a state of the art LLM based abstractive summarization model.

The summary generated by this API endpoint is Abstractive in nature and will be similar to what you see using ChatGPT/GPT3.5, or other LLMs. If you are looking for our older extractive summarization endpoint, let us know and we can share that with you.

This endpoint will generate an abstractive summary of the entered text. It uses a state of the art LLM based abstractive summarization model.


import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "summarization",
  "input_text": "While the big-name dropouts have dented Facebook's stock price and prompted leadership to address some of the concerns , it'll take a lot more to stop the company's digital advertising juggernaut. Facebook generated $69.7 billion from advertising in 2019, more than 98% of its total revenue for the year. And most of those ad dollars don't come from companies likeand Coca Cola so much as the sprawling list of small and medium-sized businesses who use Facebook to attract customers and build their brands. Facebook has 8 million advertisers, it said earlier this year. Of those, the highest-spending 100 brands accounted for $4.2 billion in Facebook advertising last year, according to data from marketing research firm Pathmatics -- or only about 6% of the platform's ad revenue. The last time Facebook shared that data itself was in April 2019 , when COO Sheryl Sandberg said the top 100 advertisers represented "

headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": "API_key",
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

	POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 96

    "api_type": "summarization",
    "input_text": "While the big-name dropouts have dented Facebook's stock price and prompted leadership to address some of the concerns , it'll take a lot more to stop the company's digital advertising juggernaut. Facebook generated $69.7 billion from advertising in 2019, more than 98% of its total revenue for the year. And most of those ad dollars don't come from companies likeand Coca Cola so much as the sprawling list of small and medium-sized businesses who use Facebook to attract customers and build their brands. Facebook has 8 million advertisers, it said earlier this year. Of those, the highest-spending 100 brands accounted for $4.2 billion in Facebook advertising last year, according to data from marketing research firm Pathmatics -- or only about 6% of the platform's ad revenue. The last time Facebook shared that data itself was in April 2019 , when COO Sheryl Sandberg said the top 100 advertisers represented "
Parameter Description
api_type summarization
input_text Input Text


The recent scandal and dropouts have impacted Facebook's stock price, but advertising still accounts for more than 98% of the company's revenue, with small and medium-sized businesses making up the majority of ad dollars spent. Facebook has 8 million advertisers, and the top 100 brands only contributed about 6% of the platform's ad revenue last year. Despite the controversy, it will take more to stop Facebook's digital advertising juggernaut.

2.4 - Text Classification

Input the headline or meta description of a news article and to generate a topic tag using a text classifier.

All our plans include a base level text classifier taxonomy; if you need a more granular text classifier that contains over 1900 topics, please email us at info@specrom.com

Fetch local news using geolocation coordinates (latitude, longitude) as input

The topics for the base level text classifier taxonomy are:

“arts and entertainment”, “automotive”, “business”, “careers”, “education”, “family and parenting”, “food and drink”, “health and fitness”, “hobbies and interests”, “home and garden”, “illegal content”, “law and government and politics”, “non standard content”, “personal finance”, “pets”, “real estate”, “religion and spirituality”, “science”, “shopping”, “society”, “sports”, “style and fashion”, “technology and computing”, “travel”


import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "topic_detection_base_classifier",
  "input_text": "Top 20 Berkshire Hathaway holdings: What's in Warren Buffett portfolio going into 2023?"
headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": "API_key",
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

	POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 96

    "api_type": "topic_detection_base_classifier",
    "input_text": "Top 20 Berkshire Hathaway holdings: What's in Warren Buffett portfolio going into 2023?"
Parameter Description
api_type topic_detection_base_classifier
input_text input text


Parameter Description
Topic Predicted topic tag of the input text

2.5 - Classify News Articles Using Smart Labels

A Specrom News API endpoint for labeling common types of articles seen on news websites

News domains these days have tons of different content besides news itself that help them monetize their website either by pushing pay per click ads, or through use of affiliate links. The smart labels classifier will help you identify such content.

Fetch the full_text, title, author, main image etc. from the news article using url_id as input.

Almost all news domains including major outlets such as New York Times publish lots of articles that are not hard news, but rather clickbaits.

Use our smart labels to identify and filter out such news articles by using headline and meta_description text as input. The labels are below:

  • Non-News: This category includes articles that are often referred to as “soft news.” Unlike traditional news articles that report on a specific event or breaking news, non-news articles focus on evergreen topics that are not time-sensitive. Examples of non-news articles include how-to guides, tips, reviews, and general profiles. These articles may be more feature-like in nature, and can often be enjoyed by readers at any time.

  • Opinion: This category includes articles that express a strong point of view, such as editorials, opinion pieces, letters to the editor, or other content that may be subjective in nature.

  • Paid News: This category includes articles that are sponsored or paid for by a brand or advertiser, often in the form of advertorials. The goal of these articles is typically to promote a product, service, or brand.

  • Pop Culture: This category covers articles related to entertainment and popular culture, such as stories about celebrities, movies, TV shows, music, fashion, and other trends.

  • Fact Check: This category includes articles that seek to verify the validity of rumors or questionable claims, with the goal of combating misinformation. Fact-checking articles typically provide evidence-based information and sources to support their claims.

  • Roundup: This category includes articles that summarize multiple stories or provide a collection of concepts, takeaways, data analysis, or lists. Roundup articles can be useful for readers who want to quickly get up-to-speed on a particular topic or trend.

  • Press Release: This category includes official statements or announcements, typically published by wire services and authored by organizations or PR professionals. Press releases may cover a variety of topics, such as new products, partnerships, or other news related to the organization.

  • News: This category includes traditional news articles that report on a specific event or breaking news. These articles are typically objective in nature and report on facts related to the event or news story.


import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "smart_labels",
  "input_text": "Top 20 Berkshire Hathaway holdings: What's in Warren Buffett portfolio going into 2023?"
headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": API_Key,
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_Key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 381

    "api_type": "smart_labels",
    "input_text": "Top 20 Berkshire Hathaway holdings: What's in Warren Buffett portfolio going into 2023?"
Parameter Description
api_type smart_labels
input_text input text (generally the headline plus the text in meta_description tag)


Parameter Description
Topic The predicted topic of the news article

2.6 - Aspect Based Sentiments Analysis

A Specrom News API endpoint for extracting entities from the input text and predicting the sentiments towards each entities.

Extract topics (also known as aspects or entities) from the input text and predict the sentiment towards each of the topics.

If you are instead looking for document level sentiment score and label, you should look at our API endpoint that does that instead.


import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "aspect_based_sentiments_analysis",
  "input_text": "This is a very solid device. Wonderful job, Apple!  The only thing unexpected about it was the weight... the dimensions are smaller than the old macbook air my wife had, but heavier.  Screen size is the same"

headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": API_Key,
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

	POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_Key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 151

    "api_type": "aspect_based_sentiments_analysis",
    "input_text": "This is a very solid device. Wonderful job, Apple!  The only thing unexpected about it was the weight... the dimensions are smaller than the old macbook air my wife had, but heavier.  Screen size is the same"
Parameter Description
api_type aspect_based_sentiments_analysis
input_text input text


  "Response": [
      "Aspect": "Device",
      "Sentiment": "Positive"
      "Aspect": "Weight",
      "Sentiment": "Negative"
      "Aspect": "Dimensions",
      "Sentiment": "Positive"
      "Aspect": "Screen Size",
      "Sentiment": "Positive"
Parameter Description
Aspect The extracted entities or aspects from the input text. Generally speaking, this will be some attribute, person, company, product, service etc.
Sentiment A label of Positive, Negative or Neutral.

2.7 - Document Sentiments Score

A Specrom News API endpoint for predicting the document level sentiments score for the input text

This endpoint will take input text and predict an overall sentiments score for the document.

If you are instead looking for aspect level sentiment label, you should look at aspect based sentiments analysis API endpoint.


import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "overall_sentiments_score",
  "input_text": "While the big-name dropouts have dented Facebook's stock price and prompted leadership to address some of the concerns , it'll take a lot more to stop the company's digital advertising juggernaut. Facebook generated $69.7 billion from advertising in 2019, more than 98% of its total revenue for the year. And most of those ad dollars don't come from companies likeand Coca Cola so much as the sprawling list of small and medium-sized businesses who use Facebook to attract customers and build their brands. Facebook has 8 million advertisers, it said earlier this year. Of those, the highest-spending 100 brands accounted for $4.2 billion in Facebook advertising last year, according to data from marketing research firm Pathmatics -- or only about 6% of the platform's ad revenue. The last time Facebook shared that data itself was in April 2019 , when COO Sheryl Sandberg said the top 100 advertisers represented "

headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": API_Key,
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

	POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_Key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 151

    "api_type": "overall_sentiments_score",
    "input_text": "While the big-name dropouts have dented Facebook's stock price and prompted leadership to address some of the concerns , it'll take a lot more to stop the company's digital advertising juggernaut. Facebook generated $69.7 billion from advertising in 2019, more than 98% of its total revenue for the year. And most of those ad dollars don't come from companies likeand Coca Cola so much as the sprawling list of small and medium-sized businesses who use Facebook to attract customers and build their brands. Facebook has 8 million advertisers, it said earlier this year. Of those, the highest-spending 100 brands accounted for $4.2 billion in Facebook advertising last year, according to data from marketing research firm Pathmatics -- or only about 6% of the platform's ad revenue. The last time Facebook shared that data itself was in April 2019 , when COO Sheryl Sandberg said the top 100 advertisers represented "
Parameter Description
api_type overall_sentiments_score
input_text input text


Parameter Description
sentiments_score A sentiment score from 0-1 with 1 being very positive and 0 being negative. Values closer to 0.5 are neutral.

2.8 - Keyword or Keyphrase Extraction

A Specrom News API endpoint for extracting keywords or keyphrases from the input text.

This endpoint will take input text and extract the most relevant keywords and keyphrases from the input text.

Currently this model is in beta and only available for English.


import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "keyword_extraction",
  "input_text": "While the big-name dropouts have dented Facebook's stock price and prompted leadership to address some of the concerns , it'll take a lot more to stop the company's digital advertising juggernaut. Facebook generated $69.7 billion from advertising in 2019, more than 98% of its total revenue for the year. And most of those ad dollars don't come from companies likeand Coca Cola so much as the sprawling list of small and medium-sized businesses who use Facebook to attract customers and build their brands. Facebook has 8 million advertisers, it said earlier this year. Of those, the highest-spending 100 brands accounted for $4.2 billion in Facebook advertising last year, according to data from marketing research firm Pathmatics -- or only about 6% of the platform's ad revenue. The last time Facebook shared that data itself was in April 2019 , when COO Sheryl Sandberg said the top 100 advertisers represented "

headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": API_Key,
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

	POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_Key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 151

    "api_type": "keyword_extraction",
    "input_text": "While the big-name dropouts have dented Facebook's stock price and prompted leadership to address some of the concerns , it'll take a lot more to stop the company's digital advertising juggernaut. Facebook generated $69.7 billion from advertising in 2019, more than 98% of its total revenue for the year. And most of those ad dollars don't come from companies likeand Coca Cola so much as the sprawling list of small and medium-sized businesses who use Facebook to attract customers and build their brands. Facebook has 8 million advertisers, it said earlier this year. Of those, the highest-spending 100 brands accounted for $4.2 billion in Facebook advertising last year, according to data from marketing research firm Pathmatics -- or only about 6% of the platform's ad revenue. The last time Facebook shared that data itself was in April 2019 , when COO Sheryl Sandberg said the top 100 advertisers represented "
Parameter Description
api_type keyword_extraction
input_text input text


{"keyphrase":"digital advertising juggernaut","weight":0.01},
{"keyphrase":"dented Facebook stock","weight":0.01},
{"keyphrase":"Facebook stock price","weight":0.01},
{"keyphrase":"company digital advertising","weight":0.01},
{"keyphrase":"big-name dropouts","weight":0.03},
{"keyphrase":"dropouts have dented","weight":0.03},
{"keyphrase":"stock price","weight":0.03},
{"keyphrase":"price and prompted","weight":0.03},
{"keyphrase":"prompted leadership","weight":0.03},
{"keyphrase":"leadership to address","weight":0.03}]
Parameter Description
keyphrase Extracted keyword or keyphrase that is central to the concept/idea/person/company being discussed in the input_text
weight A score (0-1) that indicates the overall weight of that keyword/keyphrase

3 - Technology Analysis API Reference

Analyze the technology stack behind any website using these endpoints

Technology researchers and people who are interested in technology trends on a larger scale are target users for these API endpoints.

Are you looking to answer questions such as these?

Which is the most common web technologies powering a news website in Atlanta, GA area?


Which technologies are being used by niche news blogs that focus on cryptocurrency or bitcoin?


What proportion of technology news outlets themselves are running vulnerable or outdated versions of wordpress to power their own websites?"

You build your own technology database like buildwith.com by roughly using the workflow below:

3.1 - Built With Analyzer

A Specrom News API endpoint for identifying the technologies that are powering the webpage.

This API endpoint is of interest to people who are trying to analyze technology trends and adoptions in the news and media industry.

You can consider this endpoint to be akin to unofficial buildwith.com API.

A few months ago, a major cybersecurity firm used this API to check on wordpress versions being used by major media outlets, and they detected a large majority were running vulnerable systems that could be hacked with known exploits.

import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "builtwith_analysis",
  "url": "https://indianexpress.com/article/india/kerala/kerala-rainfall-idukki-landslide-rajamala-pamba-dam-6547424/"

headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": "API_Key",
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

	POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_Key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 192

    "api_type": "builtwith_analysis",
    "url": "https://indianexpress.com/article/india/kerala/kerala-rainfall-idukki-landslide-rajamala-pamba-dam-6547424/"
Parameter Description
api_type builtwith_analysis
url URL of the webpage to be analyzed. You can put the domain homepage here, however, since major news outlets routinely run different Javascript plugins on different website sections, a better option is to input the invidivual news article URL here.


"WordPress": {
"versions": [
"categories": [
"Nginx": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"Web servers",
"Reverse proxies"
"PHP": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"Programming languages"
"Google Sign-in": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"Social login"
"comScore": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"jQuery": {
"versions": [
"categories": [
"JavaScript libraries"
"Twitter": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"jQuery Migrate": {
"versions": [
"categories": [
"JavaScript libraries"
"Automattic": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"Slick": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"JavaScript libraries"
"YouTube": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"Video players"
"AMP": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"JavaScript frameworks"
"MySQL": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [
"Google Plus": {
"versions": [],
"categories": [

This endpoint returns a JSON object containing the following elements:

Parameter Description
versions It mentions software version (if it cannot be detected, than its an empty list)
categories The detected software or technology category

4 - Social Media & Email Addresses API Reference

These endpoints let you extract journalist’s first name, last name, email address, social media handles from any webpage

These group of endpoints are of particular interest to users working in PR & outreach, content marketing tec.

You build your own journalist database by roughly using the workflow below:

4.1 - Extract All Social Media Handles & URLs

A Specrom News API endpoint for extracting all social media handles and URLs from a webpage

This endpoint lets you quickly extract all the major social media handles found on the webpage.

Generally speaking, you will be able to find author’s social media handles apart from the social media handles of the news outlet themselves using this endpoint.

import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "extract_social_media_handles",
  "url": "https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-powerful-force-teslas-momentum-leads-stock-market-surge-11595151001"

headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": "API_Key",
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

	POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_Key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 192

    "api_type": "extract_social_media_handles",
    "url": "https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-powerful-force-teslas-momentum-leads-stock-market-surge-11595151001"
Parameter Description
api_type extract_social_media_handles
url URL of the webpage



4.2 - Extract Name and Spam Score For Each Email Address

A Specrom News API endpoint for extracting names and a spam score for input email address

We have a vast email database containing over 31 million email addresses. This API endpoint will return full name (if available) along with a label for spam_email and generic_email.

import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "extract_name_and_spam_classification_from_email_address",
  "email_address": "jay@jaympatel.com"

headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": "API_Key",
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

	POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_Key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 192

    "api_type": "extract_name_and_spam_classification_from_email_address",
    "email_address": "jay@jaympatel.com"
Parameter Description
api_type extract_name_and_spam_classification_from_email_address
email_address Email address



This endpoint returns a JSON object containing the following elements:

Parameter Description
first_name First name (if available, otherwise NA)
last_name Last name (if available, otherwise NA)
spam_status This returns the spammy behaviour of the email address and it can be “Negative” or “Positive”. Email addresses that are considered spammy will have very low sender reputation
generic_email If an email inbox is generic such as info, help, noreply etc. it will return “Positive” otherwise it will return “Negative”

4.3 - Extract Email Address By URL

A Specrom News API endpoint for extracting email address from a webpage using a fast regex

Extract email addresses found in any webpage by inputting a URL. This is an excellent way to build a journalist email database.

Once you have email addresses, use our email address to name endpoint to query our database and get full names and a spam score.

import requests

url = "https://specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com/"

payload = {
  "api_type": "email_extraction",
  "url": "https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-powerful-force-teslas-momentum-leads-stock-market-surge-11595151001"

headers = {
  "content-type": "application/json",
  "X-RapidAPI-Key": "API_Key",
  "X-RapidAPI-Host": "specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com"

response = requests.request("POST", url, json=payload, headers=headers)

	POST / HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Rapidapi-Key: API_Key
X-Rapidapi-Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Host: specrom-news-api.p.rapidapi.com
Content-Length: 192

    "api_type": "email_extraction",
    "url": "https://www.wsj.com/articles/a-powerful-force-teslas-momentum-leads-stock-market-surge-11595151001"
Parameter Description
api_type email_extraction
url URL of the webpage where you want to extract email address

