Search & analyze the latest news articles from 100,000+ domains worldwide using our News API.

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The most comprehensive News API on the market!

A single easy to use API that can lets you search over 100,000 news sources by keyword, location (city, state, country), geolocation (latitude, longitude) and time range.

We provide fulltext and raw web source (html) of the news story itself in addition to description, title image urls etc.

All our plans include advanced text analytics such as overall sentiments, aspect based sentiments analysis, text summarization, email address extraction, and topic classification.

Built for Scale

Our News API is backed by a 60 node distributed web crawler that fetches over 10 TB of data a week

Proven Track Record

We have over 6000 happy clients, ranging from fortune 500 companies to small businesses and solopreneurs.

AI/Text Analytics Models Included

All our subscriptions come with multiple endpoints for text analytics using state of the art Large language models (LLMs) like GPT4, GPT-J and ChatGPT/GPT 3.5

Typical Use Cases

✓ You run a news aggregator website on a particular topic, subject, product etc. and you need a way to filter top news programmatically.

✓ You want to analyze news and extract named entity relationships (NER) to be used downstream in your own machine learning models or train your own classification model.

✓ You want to generate a sentiments indicator for stocks by analyzing news and applying some natural language processing algorithms like the ones mentioned in lots of research papers or marketed commercially by Quandl, Infotrie, Refinitiv, Bloomberg etc.

✓ You want news articles to power your social listening or media monitoring product. If you are doing this though, we would love to have a chat and understand your requirements and see how our existing product can help you.

✓ You are building a journalist database.